Friday, February 22, 2008

My Last Oscar guesses

Here are my guesses for the last categories and a short overview :P

Documentary Feature Nominees:
Operation Home Coming
Taxi To The Dark Side
No End In Sight

Should win: Sicko was the only one I saw and I loved it
Will Win: No End In Sight because it's about Iraq

Documentary Short Nominees:
La Carona (The Crown)
Salim Baba
Sari's Mother

Should and Will win: Sari's Mother

Foreign Language Film Nominees:
The Counterfeiters

Should and Will Win: No freaking clue I gues The Counterfeiters

Short Film Nominees:
I Met The Walrus
Madame Tulti Pulti
Even Pigeons go to Heaven
My Love
Peter and The Wolf

Live Action:
At Night
The Mozart Of Pickpockets
Tanghi Aregentini
The Tonto Woman
The Substitute

Should Win/ Will Win: I don't watch these shorts so for animated I guess I met The Walrus and Live action I guess At Night

Overview For Major Awards:
Best Picture: No Country For Old Men
Alternate: Juno

Best Director: Joel and Ethan Coen-NCFOM
Alternate: Paul Thomas Anderson-There Will Be Blood

Best Acror: Daniel Day Lewis-There Will Be Blood
Alternate: Johnny Depp-Sweeney Todd

Best Actress: Ellen Page-Juno
Alternate- Julie Christie-Away From Her

Actor In A Supporting Role Javier Bardem- No Country For Old Men
Alternate- Casey Affleck-The Assasination of Jesse James...

Actress In A Supporting Role- Cate Blanchett-I'm Not There
Alternate-(gonna cheat A little) Amy Ryan-Gone Baby Gone, Ruby Dee American Gangster

Animated Film: Ratatouille
Alternate- Persepolis

Thanks for reading comments on winners sometime after Sunday!

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