Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Oscars: Review

All in all it was a good show. Hugh Jackman brought showmanship back to the ceremony a bold choice but he paid off. Even the 1st musical number was good (although the second with Beyonce, Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Dominic Cooper, and the other girl from Mama Mia was awful but its expected to have 1 bad musical number at the oscars) Even the jokes were pretty good and the night was organized in groups of categories post production, music etc.... and the night went faster then usual without the usual comedic monologues and random category presentation it was one after the other which was nice! Loved the acting presentation with 5 previous winners announcing and individual praising of their performances. So how did I do with my predictions?

So was hoping Slumdog wouldn't win as many as it did.... But no real surprises and I actually got one of the short categories right! Year in advance predictions coming soon!

Thanks for reading if you are....

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